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So Sad

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One dog,loads of crafts: So Sad

Monday, 10 January 2011

So Sad

This was going to be the post about my Christmas, about my plans for the New Year,  about my changes to my blog and so much more. I have to leave that for the next one.

Because, on Thursday, Liv Torill, the owner of the LSS where I work, passed away. She has been ill for a long time, but no one expected this to happen. She was only 40 years old, and now her husband and two sons have to get through life on their own.

I´m on my way to town to help prepare some things for the funural...

I hope you´ll have a great week, and that you take some time to show someone close to you how much you care.



Blogger Karen said...

Oh Siri, that is so sad. 40 is so young! Wishing her family the best as they recover from their loss. So good that you can be there to help. Take care.

10 January 2011 at 16:11  

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