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One dog,loads of crafts: 6 Feb 2011

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Loose treads

I went to  a consert last night with my Granny and her SIL... It was Odd Nordstoga, the hottest guy on earth (my Granny and I agree on this point) (If he was single we would fight over him)

He has written this song, Lause ting (Loose treads), and the chorus sums up my brain function at the moment:

"Altfor mange lause ting, altfor myrke krokar, altfor mykje skummelt rot,
altfor store flokar, altfor store rom, altfor mange ord,
altfor mange gode råd gjev altfor mykje å tenke på."

I´ll try to translate it:

"Way to many loose treads, way to dark corners, way to much scary mess,
way to tangled tangles, way to vast rooms, way to many words,
way to much good advice gives me way to much to think about...."
